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How to Choose the Best AC for Your Home

Fewer Issues, Best Performance & Longest Life

At STAT Climate Control Solutions we understand that your Cooling System is not something you want to spend more money than necessary.

One of the most frequent questions we hear is, “which is the best AC System”. It stands to reason most people would rather spend a little more now, rather than a lot more money after the fact for repair or replacement of a cheap AC unit.

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Systems with Fewest Issues, Best Performance and Longest Lifespan

You may have searched the web for, “air conditioner manufacturer” and found more than 150 brands of AC Units – all of which are marketed as the best in the market.
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All of the more than 150 BRANDS are manufactured BY ONLY 6 parent companies.
The parent companies and their subsidiaries include:

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AC Components

Almost all components for all AC Units are manufactured by even fewer companies.

All electrical and mechanical components are manufactured by just 3 companies – Emerson, Johnson Controls and Honeywell.

Quality Controlled Products

All of the parent company manufacturers follow strict quality-control assembly protocols to ensure high-quality products that have very few problems when shipped to HVAC companies.

As you have probably concluded: there are few differences between any of the AC brands and all have very few problems. This has been true since the 1990’s when manufacturers started outsourcing parts for manufacturing to reduce costs.

No matter what brand you decide upon, all the components of an AC system are the same.

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Residential hvac filter replacement by stat climate technician
Residential hvac filter replacement by stat climate technician

Making the Right Choice for a Cooling System

How can you ensure the AC system has the fewest issues, best performance and longest lifespan?
Make sure you choose a professional HVAC company who stand behind their work.

If you follow the guidelines above – you’ll have an excellent AC system that you can count on every summer.  
Residential hvac filter replacement by stat climate technician

Air Conditioning Financing

We can help with financing options for central air conditioning immediately. We work with who take the hassle out of borrowing and make it fast and simple to qualify.
They offer:

  • A quick and easy application process
  • 0% Financing available OAC

If you’re interested in financing or would just like to discuss what your options are for staying warm and comfortable contact us today.(403) 226-6066

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